Monday, November 2, 2009

Time Change/Random Videos

Dealing with the time change has been harder on me than Matti. We fell back an hour on Saturday night and Matti seems to be dealing with it just fine. I was worried that it would take a couple of days for her to get adjusted since last year it was a nightmare. This year, not so much. She has adjusted just fine. Still sleeping until around 7am on weekdays and around 7:30am on weekends.

It has been quite sometime since I posted some videos. Here are a few recent ones.

Halloween (Trick or Treat)

Checking out the pumpkins

Hotdogs for dinner (Excitement)


Jenn said...

Carter enjoyed watching the videos with me, especially the "hot dog" one. He loves hot dogs too!

It's so cute to hear her talk, OMG! They're all growing up so fast!

Aidan and Emma said...

She is talking so well, I still can't imagine Emma doing that, but I know it want be too long. She's too cute!