Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Potty Time

My only post tonight is that Mattison went pee in the potty again before bath time tonight. I hear training panties calling her name. HA
Changing her diaper is such a challenge anymore. Once that diaper comes off she thinks that is a sign to run around naked. She hates wearing a diaper and I tell her if she would use the potty she could wear big girl panties and she would not have to wear diapers anymore. She is interested in using the potty, but not all the time so I am not convinced it is time to start training as of yet. We will continue to have fun with it for now.


Jenn said...

I am eyeing these training pants for when the time comes: http://nickisdiapers.com/catalog.php?category=1037

Scroll down and see the adorable patterns!

Mattison Grace said...

I will check out the website. I have already started buying little cute panties for Matti. Trying to get her interested. She hates having her diaper changed right now and it is getting to be aggrivating, but we have to do it. Thanks for the info!!!!