Thursday, May 15, 2008


Mattison has suffered through her first cold. She has been sick for a couple of weeks and has had a persistent cough that sounds horrible. I took her to the doctor yesterday to make sure that there wasn't anything else going on as a precaution. The doctor got her weight which is now 15 pounds 3 ounces and checked her from head to toe. She coughed for him a few times (which I wanted him to hear how horrible it sounded). He said that she was very healthy. Heart, lungs, ears, nose and throat looked and sounded great. He asked me if she was in Daycare and for how long. I told him she has been in daycare for almost three months now. He looked at me and said "she has what I call Kennel cough". I know I had a puzzled look on my face when he said that, but he stated it is a cough that just has to go away on its own. Kennel cough is usually what dogs can get when they are boarded so I guess there is really no medical term for babies who have a cough that they pick up in daycare. Matti now seems to be feeling better and did not cough as much last night, which was a relief to me. I did notice almost all the babies in her class yesterday were coughing as much as Matti, but I still wanted to get it checked.
Other news, Matti has started saying Mama. Matthew and I thought it was just when she was crying it sounded a lot like Mama, until I woke her up on Monday morning to fed and change her. She was on the changing table and I was talking to her, telling her good morning sunshine and she whispered Mama. I know she does not realize that I am Mama, but I was shocked it happened so soon. Ms. Maynrose and Ms. Pansy her daycare teachers said she said Mama a couple of times yesterday. I had tears in my eyes. Things are going to fast-
Matti has started eating two tablespoons of cereal at night and really seems to like it. I have been working with her for a couple of weeks and we now have the hang of it. She likes to rake it off the spoon into her mouth and then smear it all over her face. She just opens that mouth and smacks her lips. By the time we go to the beach I will try her on a veggie, because I will have time to establish another feeding routine to suite her needs.
Well, the beach is fast approaching (15 more days) and we are so excited to see all of the new babies that have come into our lives since last years trip. It is going to be a blast!


Debby said...

Sorry to hear the Matti has been sick.. but I love that she has said mama..where is the video????
I talked to Papa today and he about talked by ears off as he is so excited about the beach and seeing of his grandbabies... I can not wait.... Love you guys, Auntie Deb

bonbonbanker said...

Try to video her saying Mama....The more videos and pictures the better...

Jenn said...

Oh, how sweet! "Mama" must be amazing to hear. Eek, it really is going fast! I keep telling myself that Carter is really only two months old, so we didn't lose those two months he was in the NICU. But he's doing some things ahead of schedule, which makes me say, "No, it's too soon!" It's not much longer until he'll be six months old, and I keep wondering if he'll start to be interested in solid foods earlier since his digestive tract was forced to mature a lot earlier than it would have otherwise. Hmmm...

I'm really looking forward to seeing Matti again. It sounds like she's changed so much since I last saw her in February! And whoa, she's only five pounds heavier than Carter. She seemed impossibly bigger than him for a while there.

See you SOON!