Friday, May 2, 2008


It has been a while since we last posted. We have been out of town the past two weekends visiting with relatives. Matti got to visit with her Aunt and grandparents from Hickory and then we were off to Mount Airy where she visited with the Seivers family and the Hawks family. I have to say she was very well behaved.

Mattison has been very busy rolling over from back to front and loves being on her belly. Daycare says she usually naps on her belly now which is very good for her because of the flat spot on the back of her head. We had a couple of nights where we had to get up with her because she had rolled over on her belly in the crib and started crying. I felt like she was a newborn again, but I found if I rock her to sleep and put her down on her back asleep she will not roll over. I will not be as worried about her rolling over when she is a little older. I still feel like she is too little, but then again when she is on her belly she pulls those legs underneath her and tries so hard to move forward to reach for things so she is definitely stronger than what I think she is.
She has also learned how to get our attention by coughing a fake cough. She will squeal and cough until we look at her and then she will grin really big. I think she has learned this new trick from her friend Shana who loves to get attention from people. I guess you can say we have a little "Drama Queen" on our hands. Wonder who she gets that from? HA
I am still very excited about our daycare. Matti really seems to enjoy herself and has definitely hit a lot of milestones early. They have started putting her in an entertainer to sit up and play. The other day I went to pick her up and she was playing in the entertainer. She looked up at me and smiled and looked back down to play as if she did not want me to take her away.
It is so sweet taking Matti into her classroom in the mornings because she looks down at the little 6 month olds who are rolling around on the rug and she just smiles at each of them. She knows that they are her friends.
One of Matti's teachers has been teaching her Spanish already by reading books and singing songs to her. I am so excited about it. Matthew and I love the fact that this daycare really works with the children by reading, singing, doing projects, and they have outings that are educational for the kids. Of course, Matti is not able to participate in a lot of the activities yet, but in a couple of years she will get to plant her own garden, learn about animals, take tiny tumblers, Spanish, computer class, math class, and all sorts of things. We get a flyer at the beginning of every month telling us what will be studied for that particular month.
This month the four year olds have a pretend vets office set up where they are learning about domestic animals. It even has a examination room and pet spa so they can act out how a real vets office runs. It is just amazing to me what children learn now. When I was in preschool all I remember doing was playing in the gym or outdoors and learning a few songs along with my ABC's.
We are expecting to remain at home this weekend. It is supposed to be a beautiful weekend so I hope to stroll Matti to the park. I hope to have some pictures to share.


Jenn said...

It sounds like the day care situation has really worked out well for you, which must be a huge relief! I can't wait to see Matti again and see how much she's grown and developed. Just a few more weeks! :-D

bonbonbanker said...

The pictures are precious...She is quite the little trend setter already...I love you so much Matti,

Nana B