Where to begin. Lets see- Matti will be seven months old on Thursday.
Matti has been such a good sleeper up until last Tuesday. We have been up and down with her every night for a week now. It is just like it was when she was a newborn. She usually goes down around 8:00pm every night with little problems and usually she sleeps until I wake her up the next morning for a feeding which is around 6:00-6:30am. (I am really spoiled) Last Tuesday night Mattison woke up several times. The first time she was completely soaked by 11:30pm and we had to change her diaper and clothes. Luckily her bed was not wet. Then she woke up several times just crying. This went on for several nights. This past Thursday night Matti woke up wet again and crying. She would not go back to sleep. I rocked her, fed her, changed her diaper, -we tried EVERYTHING she would not go back down. Finally around 4:00am I put her in the guestroom with me so I could get some sleep before work on Friday. We at first thought she might be teething because she has been drooling a lot lately and biting hard on everything, but still no teeth and quite frankly I do not even feel anything on her gums. Matthew says he does, but I have yet to see a glimmer of white. Last night, Matti woke up again around 12:30am and I fought with her for thirty minutes. She was swinging her arms, swatting at my face, rolling her head back and forth, and crying really loud (It was not a cry of pain). I was too exhausted to fight her anymore so I took her straight to Matthew while I made a bottle. I ended up not even giving her the bottle and just put her down beside me in the guestroom bed and fast asleep she was. I do not like sleeping with her, especially now that she can crawl around, for fear she will fall off the bed or I will roll over on her. What happened to that baby who slept through the night?
I can tell you that she is trying to crawl on her knees more now and she is starting to pull herself up into a sitting position. I discovered she could sit herself up by placing her in her crib on her back while I checked on laundry and I heard her laughing and cooing. I looked around the corner to find her sitting up swinging her arms around and laughing! She was so proud of herself. I was in complete shock. She just learned how to sit unassisted two weeks ago. How could this be?
She also has learned to blow raspberries which she does constantly. She blows them so much we constantly have to wipe off her chin. Since she has learned to do so many things we are wondering if she is trying to practice them in her sleep and it eventually wakes her up. She was really good at soothing herself back to sleep, but here lately that is not the case. Sometimes we find her on her knees face down sleeping like she is "sleep crawling". All I really know is that Matthew and I are exhausted! I guess you do pay for your raisin as the old saying goes. HA. This leads to me think, okay, is my child teething, having separation anxiety, or too busy learning so many things she cannot sleep, or all of the above? I still cannot let her cry it out! I remember being scared as a child and that feeling is horrible so I do not want Matti to feel that way right now. I just want to hold her, rock her, kiss her little head, and hear her breathing against my chest. The selfish me wants my eight hours of sleep at night, but who can resist the sweet little face of a baby looking at them just wanting to be held and protected. AWWWWWW I am a sucker!
There is not much news to report other than Matti learning to get in a sitting position by herself.
We did however put her in her blow up pool on Sunday. She had a great time playing. She did topple over once and her face went completely under, but it did not phase her one bit. You have to really watch her because she tends to do this in the bath tub trying to get a toy or just drink the water. I have to be very careful with that. We cannot take our eyes off of her. I am happy though that she is not scared of going under. I was such a fish I am hoping she is the same way. We might just have a little swimmer on our hands, who knows!
I have a few pictures and one clip of her in the pool.
welcome to the wonderful world of motherhood!!!!! Matti is just going thru a phase...this to will pass. You are such a good mother, so don't worry about your choices, follow you heart... Love you Auntie Deb
Matti will adjust again and start sleeping through the night. Just keep checking on her and as long as she is fed and changed, she will be fine. She just wants Mama and Daddy's kisses and hugs. Enjoy this while you can,
I have a book recommendation, since I know you love reading about all of this. The book is The Wonder Weeks, and it's really been helpful to me. It describes the big cognitive leaps babies experience in their first year, and each is preceded by a period of fussiness or unusual behavior. I just skimmed the chapter on the 26 weeks jump, and this behavior sounds exactly like what they describe. They list, among other things:
Cries more
Cranky or whiny
Wants to be entertained
Sleeps poorly
Loses appetite
Shier with strangers
This phase usually proceeds the baby learning to crawl, according to thew book. They're apparently also working out how different objects are related.
Anyway, the book is awesome because it describes they behavior right before the next big cognitive jump, and explains what changes you will soon see. It also suggests activities you can do to help your baby through the phase.
It's explained that baffling behavior and helped me understand the world from Carter's point of view. It's been very helpful to me, and I loved it so much I sent Donna a copy!
Thanks for all the wonderful advice. I want to be the best mother I can be. I am get so obsessive over things and cannot let them go. I tend to constantly over analyze things. I read everything I can get my hands on. I do not know if that can be a good or bad thing. Jenn, I am ordering that book as soon as I post this. Those so called "symptoms" is exactly what Matti has been going through. She has started showing signs of crawling on her knees. She just catches onto things so fast it is hard for me to believe we are already this far into her milestones.
I'm sure Jenn is right about what Matti is going through. She will probably be full blown crawling soon! Hang in there, you're doing a great job with her! Reading that book The Wonder Weeks will help ease your mind about all the changes she is going through. :)
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