There are a few things I forgot to mention in my last blog post. Mattison does so many things I cannot keep up with everything.
A funny story-I was getting Mattison ready for bed on Saturday night and I always get her dressed on her changing table, which by the way is getting very hard to do these days. She is constantly squirming, rolling over, and trying her best to play with the Vaseline, wipes, or whatever she can get her little hands on. I have tried giving her toys, but they do not seem to work she usually ends up throwing them in the floor and then rolls back over toward the wipes, Vaseline, etc. She wants everything she is not supposed to have. I always put Vaseline on her bottom at night to keep her butt dry and once I apply it I have literally seconds to get her diaper on or she will roll over. I must not have put the lid on the Vaseline very well because she evidently stuck her hand in the Vaseline and proceeded to rub her hair. She was so quick and I was concentrating so hard on getting that diaper on I did not notice. She tends to rub her eyes and her hair when she is very sleepy. She did not look any different to me because she had just had a bath and her hair was still damp, but already combed. On Sunday morning when I reached down to pick her up I noticed her hair looked wet, but with further inspection I realized it was caked with Vaseline. She looked like a greaser all day on Sunday. It was really kind of funny. I wish now I had taken a picture.
Also, on Saturday morning I noticed music coming from Mattison's room about 7:00am. I went in to check on her and get her up for a bottle and realized she had figured out how to cut her Lights and Motion Jungle crib attachment on all by herself. Now, she does this every morning while she waits on Mommy to wake up. (I think she has done this by accident, but I have showed her for several months how to cut it on by pressing the bird).
Now on to more recent news. I picked Mattison up from school yesterday and the teacher said that she pulled up in her crib. They watched her grunt and grimace until she was up and then she started shaking back and forth rattling the crib squealing Maaamaaaa. They usually put her in her crib when she gets sleepy and she will usually put herself to sleep, but now that she is standing up she only wants to stand and does not want a nap. They do not have time at daycare to rock her down (I do that at home to get her down for nap) so they are going to have a time with her. Last night I had to put her to bed around 7:30pm because she just acted so sleepy. She slept fine until 1:15am and I heard her crying mama and she sounded very close to the monitor so I went to check on her and she was standing up looking around her room. I had to rock her back to sleep which took about five minutes, I then put her back down and she slept the rest of the night.
On hiatus
11 years ago