Wednesday, April 29, 2009

16 months

Matti just went for her 15 month doctors appointment and is 16 1/2 months. We got a little behind when she was sick for her one year and that appointment was in January. Matti did well at her appointment. She is 24 1/2 pounds and 31 1/2 inches long. She is 70% for her age group. I thought she seemed short, but she is actually a little above the average height for her age group.
Matti has changed so much over the past few weeks. She seems to be talking more. Some words we can understand and some words are a bunch of baby gibberish. We are beginning the frustration part of toddlerhood and trying to figure out what she wants by her pointing and jabbering. She is still signing, but she only knows a few signs. I know when she wants to eat, needs more, wants us to do somethings again, and there a few more signs she does not use often, but I still sign with her.
She has been saying bubble, ooose (shoes), duice (juice), pee (for pee), nanna (Banana and Nana), apple, happy, nose, poo (Poop) and a handful of other words. She can name several animals (Cow, dog, pig, horse, and cat) and make the animal noises. She has little toy animals in her bath tub and we talk to her about each animal every night and the noises they make. She is doing a great job with that.
I often take Mattison to the bathroom with me to teach her where the potty is and having been repeatedly telling her about bathroom procedure. Matti started to recognize when she is about to poop just last night. She was sitting in her highchair and looked at me and said "poo" and then looked down at her diaper. I did not think much about it. I cleaned her up and put her in the floor with no sign of poop. Within a few minutes she came back around the corner and she had pooped. I was shocked and so happy for her. We clapped and made a big deal of it so she will keep this up.
Our night time routine is still going great. She gets dinner, bath, dressed, and then I read her a book, which has now turned in to three books before bed. She seems very interested in me reading to her and sits calmly while I read. She likes to turn the page when it is time. Sometimes she tries to read to me. She will open the book and start talking baby gibberish like she is reading. It is so cute. I have yet to get this on video. She will also point at different pictures in the books wanting me to tell her what the picture is. I have really enjoyed looking at books with her and repeating over and over the names of the pictures. It is finally starting to sink in.
Matti will have a mouth full of teeth by the time we go to the beach. She has two molars and several other teeth already through on one side top and bottom and swollen gums on the other side top and bottom. We had are first night up with her (in a long time) Monday night. She woke of screaming and crying and it took a diaper change, Tylenol, and a lot of cuddling to get her to go back to bed. I know her teeth have really been bothering her. Hopefully we will be finished teething soon.
She is still following simple commands. She really likes helping me around the house and she will help me clean up her room after playing. She tries really hard to put everything back where she found it. She will dust, help with laundry, wants to vacuum, etc. whatever I am doing she wants to help.
She can also put on and take off her shoes. She tries to put on her sock herself, but still has not mastered that as of yet.
Just over the past few weeks Matti's world has really changed. I feel she sees it in a whole new way. She seems to be grasping every day life better than before. It just all seems to click for her now.
I have several videos to post. Hope you enjoy.

This first video Matti had been outside playing in sand and water. I striped her down and let her run around in her diaper. She decided she was tired and grabbed her blanket and was trying to find a spot to take a nap. You will see her point to me and hear her say night-night.

This is Matti's favorite word to say. She says it constantly. I used to keep her bubbles in the pantry and now everyday we come home she goes to the pantry and pats on the door saying "bubble".

Here is a couple of videos of Matti dancing around. I could not stop laughing at her. The first video her daddy gets up and you will see her walk over to the chair that Matthew usually sits in and she points for him to sit back down.


Debby said...

Thanks for posting the videos...they are precious!!!Looks like she loves to being the center of Mom and Dad's attention...I can't beleive how much she has grown and I love her hair...I hope each night at the beach we can get all the grandkids together and read a bedtime story to the group... that will be fun!!! Love you all...Auntie Deb

bonbonbanker said...

I can view the videos with my laptop with my wireless internet. I love all the precious. I could just eat her alive.
Hugs and kisses...Nana

Jenn said...

She is SO precious!! I love the dancing, and "bubble" -- so cute! We'll have to blow lots of bubbles at the beach! Carter likes them too, hee.

Isn't it amazing when they make these huge leaps and overnight seem to have learned so much? It's almost hard to imagine that at first they were tiny little sleeping things.