Matti has had several things happen over the past couple of weeks. We FINALLY have two bottom teeth which I have not been able to get a photo of because she will not be still long enough or she will cover them with her tongue. They popped up out of nowhere. I have a feeling she is getting ready to cut the two top teeth pretty soon. She is drooling more than usual and every now and then she acts like it hurts to put pressure on her gums.
Matti also has been crusing around the house holding onto funiture. Just this weekend she has been getting very brave and letting go of the funiture and standing by herself, only for seconds until she finds out she is not holding on to anything then she plops down on her bottom. She also will test her limits and cruise from one piece of furniture to the next taking one giant step without holding on to anything. It will not be long before I have a walker in the house. She crawls so fast I am almost afriad for her to walk because I know it will be full speed ahead.
Matti has also started saying Dada finally. I think Matthew melted this weekend when she said dadadadada. It is so funny because you can see her face and she is trying so hard to get that d sound out. That I will have to get on video soon.
Sleep habits are still great. Matti sleeps through the night, but is up before dawn. Bedtime for her is around 7:30pm and 8:00pm. She is completely exhausted by then. I have tried to keep her up a few mintues long trying to see if she will sleep a little longer in the am, but it does not work. She simply is just ready to go at 5:45am. I have come to deal with that. Now, she wants to play as soon as her feet hit the floor. No more exersaucer for her. It has gotten boring to her because she is so mobile. Although I have been putting her in the pack n play more with a bunch of toys just to get a break and catch my breath. She seems to be okay with that for short periods of time. I usually can get about thirty minutes of freedom without her pulling on my legs.
Matti also had her first school pictures made a few weeks ago. She did such a great job. She smiled really big almost like she knew she was posing for a picture. I will hopefully have those soon to pass around.
Another short note, Matti's teacher at school tells me every day how Matti is the class clown. They call her a comedian. She keeps the class and her teacher in stitches. I would love to be a fly on the wall for a whole day at school to she what she gets herself into. I think she is like her Aunt Kiki (Erika) who always has a punch line!
I have a short video of her pulling all the tupperware out of a kitchen cabinet. I left one cabinet just for her to play in. This seems to keep her occupied for a while.
On hiatus
11 years ago
Carter was TOTALLY absorbed in that video! It was almost like he was making mental notes for later, ha!
It's so amazing to see her standing and moving around so well. It's hard to believe she has changed so much from when I saw her last. She may be walking by Thanksgiving! Crazy!
Little Julie....just exploring and wanting to get into everything...I love how she crawls into he cabinet and tries to shut the door. She is going to be smart and keep you on your toes...
Love ya,
Julie, you don't have any worries until she gets the screwdriver and starts taking your cabinet doors you took grandma and papa's storm door apart....payback...ha ha!!! love ya, auntie deb
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