Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mattison Grace has arrived.

My name is Mattison Grace Newton. I was born December 17, 2007. I was 8 Pounds and 2 Ounces and 20 inches long. I was born at 9:24am on a Monday morning.
Let me updated you on what has been going on in my life since I was born.
I am three months old now. I have grown so much over the past few months.
Everyone thinks I am a mixture of my parents. I am not sure who I look like the most. My Nanna thinks I look just like her!
I have discovered my feet and hands the past few weeks and I love to put them in my mouth. I have finally starting liking tummy time a little, but I get aggravated when I cannot get my hands on a toy that may be out of reach.
Yesterday was my first day of school. Mommy and Daddy both dropped me off. We all wanted to cry. I received a great report card at the end of the day and my teachers call me Princess.
This morning while mommy was getting me ready for my second big day of school I decided it was time to laugh out loud for her. My cousin Donna gave me a bright pink pull toy dog that I love. I do not go anywhere without him. I reached out to pull him and it was funny so I decided to laugh. Mommy had tears and just kissed my face.
I am so glad Mommy decided to start a blog for me since all of my cousins are already one step ahead. I have a cousin Carter who was born in January and my cousin Emma should be here by next week. I am looking forward to sharing a lot of memories with them.


Aidan and Emma said...

Hi Matti! You are too cute! I'm so glad your mommy started a blog for you. It will make it so much easier to keep up with you. Your new cousin should be here soon! Can't wait for you to meet her! Your "Auntie" Donna

bonbonbanker said...

I am so glad that my little Miss Poovie has a blog of her own. Now Nana can keep updated with her daily pictures, movies and activities. I love her so much...And YES!!! she does look like her Nana.....but Pa Pa Lane says she looks like him...that is where she gets her good looks...
Love, Nana

Pam Marion said...

As each day passes, you look more and more like your mommy (sorry Matt!)! HAPPY EASTER with many XOXOX's from Great Aunt Pam.

Debby said...

Love the pictures... I actually think you favor your Mom and Nana. But we all know that you have great genes!!! Runs in the family.
Your Great Auntie Deb loves you bunches and hopes you have a fab Easter....
Love, Great Auntie Deb

Jenn said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Matti! Carter and I will look forward to keeping up with your progress! Post again soon!