Matti has been so into seeing pumpkins I decided to take her to across the line this weekend to Cana, VA were there is a road side stand with all kinds of fresh fruits, veggies, flowers, pumpkins, etc. I thought it would be a great field trip for us. Matti, Nene, and I went and it was freezing cold. Matti seemed to enjoy looking at the pumpkins and flowers. She was very excited, but extremely cold so our trip was short and sweet. Here are a few pictures.
I wished it had not been so cold so we could have stayed longer. I think Matti was having a great time, but she was shivering cold.
Matti loved playing with her Nene and Papa all day on Saturday. If she did not get her way with Matthew, Nene, or I she would just yell for her papa to come save her. She is really starting to know how to play us. If she does not get her way with one -she will try the other. At one point she had asked Nene and I if she could go outside. It was so cold and Matti needed to change clothes so we told her not right now. She immediately yelled "Papa" and papa came over and Matti said "Papa outside". Of course Papa took her out.
Here are some pictures of Nene, Papa, and Matti.
Matti really enjoys spending time with Nene and Papa. When we wake up at there house she always asks for papa and then she starts looking for Nene. She loves to go into Nene's bedroom and wake her up.
Matti is so into shoes and starting to enjoy dress up clothes. Here is a pictures of her new dress up shoes that Nene and Papa got her.
Matti has still been an angel here the past few weeks. Hardly any tantrums and very cooperative. She also did pee pee on the potty again last night. We were so happy for her. She was excited for herself. Still we are under no pressure to potty train just yet. Although she has been taking her diaper off by herself a lot lately. I just tell her when she learns to go pee pee and poop in the potty she can wear big girl panties and she will not have to wear a diaper anymore. We will just see how she does in the next couple of months before I really start working on the potty training.
We are planning a trip to a farm here in Raleigh this weekend weather permitting. The NC State Fair is also happening right now, but I am still not ready to expose her to all of that just yet. I am not sure which has more germs the farm or the fair, but H1N1 scares the crap out of me and I know several people who have small children that have already got it and they all attended the fair. I am sure it was just a coincidence. Oh well, next year we will definitely take her.
Matti also has really got into Thomas the Train here lately. I bought her a Thomas the Train toy and she absolutely loves it. It is a train that runs around the floor on no tracks. She follows him around and dances to the music. It is also interactive and response to commands, which is funny to watch her tell Thomas what to do and when he needs to go. Next time Thomas comes around I will have to take her to see Thomas also....
I will hopefully have some videos to post soon.