Now, seeing that she is so good out in public for long stretches at a time I am wondering why I have not taken her out and about a lot sooner. She does go shopping with me, etc, but never to a restaurant or a function. I have always been to worried she would have a melt down and I would not know how to control it. I know this great cooperative behavior will not last forever, but I have been treating her like she will turn out to be me (hell on wheels and temper tantrums), but I have a GREAT child.
The bridal luncheon was held at a big bed and breakfast in Hickory and the landscaping was absolutely beautiful. I tried to snap a few pictures and I will post them below. One thing I will say-Matti definitely needs to get outdoors more. There was a huge tree with beautiful leaves lying underneath it. I sat Matti down int eh leaves and she freaked out a little. She was scared of the leaves. Now, that is definitely a sign she needs to get out more.
Here is a picture of Matti on the front porch of the bed and breakfast in a big rocking chair.
Here is a picture of Matti and her Daddy before the rehearsal dinner:
Matthew and I also lowered Matti's crib all the way down yesterday. I have been so worried she was going to climb out. That was a big relief for me. Now, when she wakes up for her brief periods early in the morning I do not have to constantly check on her or worry that she will get out. She normally falls back asleep if we leave her alone.
Matti has been taking more and more steps without holding onto furniture. She just gets so excited when she lets go and takes a step toward me or Matthew. She just squeals and giggles. I am willing to bet she will be walking by her birthday or Christmas. I will try hard this weekend to get this on video.